Ralph Loop
Director of visually stunning
Ralph Loop is a Hamburg and Berlin based film director. Always interested in making movies, he first started his passion in elementary school.
As a result, his career features all facets of the job, which enables him to gain a comprehensive insight into all aspects of film making. Ralph Loop, additionally schooled at the AFI in Los Angeles, is enthusiastically working as a director since 1991.
Besides creating commercials, trailer, corporate films and documentaries, he is also very fit in creating the concepts for those projects and campaigns. His experience and very friendly appearance allow him to identify and implement the demands of the clients in a production-oriented manner, while maintaining his creativity.
Today the work of Ralph Loop is also honored with several awards. In recent years he also used to work as combination of director and dop on certain projects. Despite it is not his focus, it may add an on-point implementation depending on the films concept.
Gabriela Dienhart about Ralph Loop
RALPH LOOP is represented by
Gabriela Dienhart
Geschäftsführer | CEO
Dachauer Str. 114
80636 München
phone: + 49 (0) 89 360 370 38
cell: + 49 (0) 174 973 12 03
mail: munich@trinityagency.de
web: www.trinityagency.de
Direct Contact
phone: +49 (0) 171 6446526
mail: mail@ralphloop.com